More than ever, we need new artists to vibe to in our rooms post curfew. Yes, it’s not because live music is on hold right now that the whole music industry stopped turning. It’s actually quite the opposite if you ask me. Today, we got the chance to chat a bit with Moïra Lilly, a fresh new artist whose lyrics you will all relate to !

Yeah, last year was quite upside down, but the list of the 50 best albums of 2020 still contained some incredible creations. We got blessed by golden albums of the very known Tame Impala, the Weeknd or Thylacine… But also by new artists who created a place for themselves in the musical stratosphere. We call talk about Sody, Laurel but also the new french singer songwriter Moïra Lilly. Interview.
Hi Moïra ! When did you start writing music and singing? How did you go from a fan to music to making your own music?
This may sound very cliché but I am pretty sure I’ve always been singing. At about 6 or 7, so just after I learned how to write, I started writing songs, amongst other things. I mostly always had melodies while writing lyrics but I didn’t really start adding actual music until the first lockdown last year. I downloaded an app to record vocals and to try and make my own beats/instrumentals.
What are your favorite themes to write on? Where do you find inspiration?
Feelings in general, I sort of use songwriting as a journal, to get things off my chest. If I need to deal with something, I start writing down lines. They will either stay in my notes app for a while or I’ll write an entire song in one sitting. I find inspiration whenever I’m alone with my brain or feel bored so I did end up writing hundreds of songs in class, at work when it is quiet or while travelling.

Do you remember the title and topic of the first song you ever wrote?
Absolutely. The first song I remember having finished was called ‘Mes pensées’ (‘My thoughts’). In year 3 (2nd grade), I used to sing it to my friends at recess. I can’t remember the exact lyrics but it was pretty heavy stuff for a 7 year old, I had a lot on my mind apparently. I started writing solely in English when I was 12 after listening to Taylor Swift’s “Fearless”.
How do you compose your songs, at home or in a studio? Do you play any instrument?
I try and do most of it at home until I feel it’s good enough to be professionally recorded in a studio. As a kid, I used to play the guitar but I wasn’t very committed at the time and gave it up. I unfortunately forgot how to play since, which I regret a lot. I have recently got a keyboard so I’ve been teaching myself how to play it.
We listened to your last single “Doubts”, it’s very good! Could you tell us a bit more about the story and composition behind it?
Thank you! I wrote it whilst in lockdown, the situation was very confusing, I felt like I was wasting my life away and I spent all my time questioning every decision I had ever made and wondering what my options really were. It’s still very relatable, I’m not going to lie. I wrote the lyrics and melody in under a couple of hours sitting on my balcony on a random sunny afternoon. I went to my dad’s a few weeks later and it’s actually the first song I ever really sang in front of him and my brother – they are both musicians so they came up with the instrumental. We rehearsed for a couple of days then went into the studio (Sky Music 24) and the producer (Martin Lascelles) worked his magic. It was an amazing experience and it motivated me to take music more seriously.

Do you try to share a message with your songs? What do you want the audience to take away from them?
I don’t think I necessarily try to share a message. I just try to open up about my own experiences and feelings and hopefully other people will relate to them the way I relate to the songs that inspire me. It’s just really satisfying when your hear a song and it feels like it has been written specifically for you and in that moment nothing else matters but the words you are listening to so you play it over and over again until it becomes a part of you. As a new french singer, I like to think if one of my songs can have that effect on even one person then I will have made it.
What are your greatest musical inspirations?
I have many musical inspirations and artists that I adore and look up to. The main ones would be Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, FINNEAS, Julia Michaels, Lauv, and Simple Plan.
Who is your dream collaboration?
My dream collaboration would definitely be FINNEAS, whether for a duet or as a co-writer and/or producer. He is incredible at everything he does. I also wouldn’t say no to a writing session with Ed Sheeran.
Three songs that you are binge-listening to at the moment?
Hm… Can We Just Be Happy Now by Jake Scott ft. Josie Dunne, I’m not Pretty by JESSIA and WOMAN by Avenue Beat. Also, special mention to Olivia Rodrigo’s Drivers License !
Did the current health crisis impact your songwriting in a positive or negative way? If so, how did you adapt?
I wouldn’t say the health crisis really impacted my songwriting either way. I don’t write more or less than I used to as it’s never really been consistent. Inspiration comes whenever; I will force songs out sometimes when I come up with a line I really like and feel like writing more but it never comes easily when I do it that way so I usually let it happen on its own. The crisis did, however, inspire ‘Doubts’, which is the first song I decided to officially release so it definitely did have a positive impact.
Any upcoming projects to share with us?
Nothing definitive yet but I have been working on a lot of different songs that I hope will eventually be shared with the world. Stay tuned !
Thank you Moïra for this nice chat and for opening up to us about your inspirations and songwriting process ! If like me, you like to stay on top of music outings and news, I recommend checking out the best January 2021 releases and the future of live music with awesome alternatives artists found to the traditional concert !